Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Poor and Rich people rules

I am not original here - these rules were created by Robert Kiyosaki.

I just transform and rephrase the logic here.

  1. Poor people minimize mistakes and failures. Rich people maximize mistakes and failures. Rich people know: the more shots are done, the more the probability to hit the target. The more shots are done, the more experience we got.
  2. Poor people regret their failures, they hesitate to talk about failures of the past. Poor people are proud of their failures. 
  3. Poor people value money. Rich people value time. That's why poor people sell their time for money - they apply for a job. Rich people spend time to learn and practice, even if they are not paid for that.
  4. Poor people run from their fear. Rich people go to their fear. Poor people are afraid of failures supra. Rich people intend to fail.
  5. Poor people are looking for stability. Rich people are looking for changes. Poor people have a fear of change, they run away from the fear supra.
  6. Poor people fight their dreams. Rich people unleash their dreams. Poor people are afraid to dream: they don't want to get disappointed.
  7. Poor people fight, hate and retaliate. Rich people forgive. Poor people consider a conflict as a personal danger. Rich people consider a conflict as a lesson. Unlike the university course, a lesson given by life is free. So rich people intend to take as much lessons as they can.
  8. Poor people criticize others. Rich people criticize themselves. Rich people don't hesitate to admit their own failures. Say understand, they learn from failures. The more failures they make the more they learn. Poor people don't want others to know their low status. Thus, they criticize others to increase their own status.

Friday, May 6, 2022

How to reuse wood garbage

 See parent post here.

Any wood

Burn against insects. It smolders and smokes. Mosquitos and flies run away from smoke.
Cellulose for planting mushrooms.
Enforce other stuff. Enforce plastic boxes e. g.
Make a box.



Wood sheets

Putty board.
Enforcing. E. g. enforce bed of plastic box.

Wood sticks

Fire fuel.




How to reuse rubber garbage

See parent post here.

0 Any Rubber

Rubber trash could include used tires from bikes and cars. Tire protector could be destroyed or the tire could have a hole. Damaged children balls are also made of rubber.
Boot sole repair. Stick it to the sole instead of worn heel.
Enforce other stuff. Enforce plastic boxes e. g.
Filler for the toilet. See infra.
Packaging filler. As any compressible stuff, rubber also can be perfectly used as a packaging filler.
Shoes sole.
Enforce phone case. Stick the material to the phone case.

Tires (bike)

Band. Medical and Yoga bands are made of rubber. They are not expensive though. Anyway, the bike tire can be easily converted to a fitness exercise band.

Tires (car)

Amortization and protection for garage walls. If we put tires long the back wall of the garage, it will prevent cars from hitting and possibly breaking the garage walls when parking.
Flower bed.
Fence. Though it is not tall, it is still a fence. We can dig tires into the ground by half of it's height and the remaining half would serve as a fence.
Ships. Tires are fixed on a ship for amortization.
Shoe sole. We can cut piece of rubber from the used car tire to repair our shoe sole. Here is an example from YouTube.

Gloves (rubber gloves)

Place one glove inside another. This will enforce gloves.

Turn inside out. Say we have 2 broken (e. g. cut) left gloves and 2 normal unbroken right gloves from 2 pairs. We can put unbroken right glove on the left hand, just put your thumb in the consequent thumb section. Or just turn inside out the left glove and it becomes the right one.

Fix, stick. We can also cut a piece of rubber from the broken rubber gloves. Than, we use it to stick onto another broken gloves to repair it.

Rubber rings. We can cut gloves into rubber rings.

Rings (rubber rings)

Bungee cords. Make a long rope out of small ropes, plastic film and rubber rings. I can mix rubber rings with ropes, so finally I will get a stretchable bungee cord. On each end of it, I can add a spring hook.

Sell them. Rubber rings can be perfectly reusable for packing greens for sale. So we can bring a pack of rubber rings to the street market. Some sellers could agree to exchange them for few packs of greens or even for money. We can also try to sell rubber rings online, they are usually sold in packs of 0.5 kilo or something like that.

How to reuse styrofoam garbage

See parent post here.

Glue. If mixed with gasoline.

Heat insulation. We can put it inside of the puffer jacket, sleeping bag or blanket. We can stick it to the wall. The same applies to polyurethane.

Packing material

How to reuse plastic garbage

 See parent post here.


0 Any plastic

Boot sole repair. Stick it to the sole instead of worn heel.
Compact storagePlastic can take much space when stored and not used. So we can cut it in flat sheets by simple scissors. Flat sheets joined together do not take much space. Another form can be achieved via heat gun - melt it but do not burn it. Preferably hold the breath while melting because of harmful exhaust.
Donate to recycle trash can
Enforce other stuff. Enforce plastic boxes e. g. Melt it, weld it.
Make a box.
Repair other plastic things. With a heat gun, we can melt (weld) plastic to plastic. As a tool, use soldering iron. Here is an example how to do that. See also the post about plastic welding.
Repair shoes. With a heat gun.
Melting into... clothes buttons, toys etc. See also: how to melt plastic.


Filler for the toilet. See infra.
Same as plastic film. Plastic bags are made of plastic film. Hence they can be used the same as plastic film.
Trash bags. Usually store plastic bags are smaller than the regular garbage bin. So we just need to find smaller bin for them.

Bottles (plastic bottles)

Bird feeder
Broom. We can cut a bottle into stripes. Then tie them into a broom.

Cans. Any plastic bottle can be easily cut into a can for storage of something. Like bolts and nuts e. g.
Funnel. If the bottle neck is thin enough, it can be used as a funnel.
Garbage bin
Pots. For flowers or other plants.
Ropes. We can cut a tape from plastic bottles and use it as a rope.

Containers (plastic containers)

Pots for planting

Film (polyethylene film, plastic wrap)

0 Source: Plastic film can come from various types of the garbage: plastic bags, plastic (polyethylene) package etc. 

Cover for car seats. If plastic film is big enough it can be used to cover the car seats. And like cardboard the film also protects against liquids.

Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Gloves, rubber gloves. Use rubber rings to cover hand with plastic film, it will protect skin from any liquid. Also original way of making gloves is here:

Handkerchiefs. One time or many time uses.

Heat insulation. Polyethylene  film is good heat insulation material. Film is lightweight and flexible - thus we can sew it up to the interior side of the clothes. Or crumple it.

Insert (liner) for folders and envelopes. It is not always possible to laminate plastic film because it could not stick to paper. However we can stick plastic film to itself and make a liner for cardboard and paper folders and envelopes. Use iron and heat gun to stick film.

Fabric - use it as a a fabric. If the plastic film is hard and strong enough we can use it to enforce pockets, sew up to other parts of clothes. 

Laminate paper and cardboard. We can do that manually, with iron and piece of fabric (watch YouTube). We can laminate folders for sorting out the garbage. See more about laminating here.

Make bigger film. We can stick together multiple small pieces of plastic film. Iron is needed for that. We can apply iron to film even without a fabric layer.

Napkins. Not the best option because paper napkins are more convenient for use. However we can use plastic wrap as a napkin also if there is no other alternative.

Packaging filler. If folded(crumpled) and packed up into a plastic bag, film can be used as a packaging filler.

Pillows. We can fill pillows with crumpled plastic film.

Plastic envelopes. With heat gun or tape, we can stick envelopes out of the plastic film. We can do plastic folders also.

Ropes. We can weave a strong rope out of plastic film. We can fold film in multiple layers (lines). Or we can cut multiple strips out of the film sheet. And then weave them together. Then we can melt ends of the rope.

Scrub Sponge. We can crumple (fold, squash) plastic film and use it to scrub the dirt from toilet, sink etc. 

Tape. If heated and pressed with iron, plastic film can stick to a surface. This is relevant for hard (fat) plastic film (not thin). Example of the fat film is store label (sticker) with the bar code.  

Trash bags. We can place big piecei of plastic film onto the metal ring effectively making it a trash bag.


Reuse as a floss again. Soak in some disinfecting liquid and reuse again. I personally do it by washing it with water after every use. My teeth are still alive.
Thread. To sew up something.

Folders (packages)

Trash bags.  

Net or screen (like mosquito screen)

Laundry bag. Bag for dirty clothes washing: the net can be sewed up into a bag. In turn, we can put our dirty clothes in the bag. Then bind one side of the rope to the bag. Bind another side of the rope to the tree at the river coast. Put the bag into the river at night. In the morning, dirty clothes will be washed. No powder is needed.

Grocery bag. Save nature by avoiding using plastic bags. Instead, use reusable bag made of screen. We can sew it up.
Rope. We can use screen as a rope.

Enforce fabric stuff. We can sew screen to the fabric bags or clothes to enforce them.

Ropes (Plastic ropes)

Make longer ropes by melting them together.

Staples from food

0 Source. Usually they come with food packaging.
Clothespins for clothes drying. I personally use them this way.
Staples for cable. To fix a cable on a wall using staples and pins.
Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Styrofoam (polystyrene)

Source: Packaging materials, one time dishes etc.
Heat insulation. Crush it and fill puffer jacket or house walls with it. Styrofoam is known as a great heat insulation material.
Glue. There is a way of how to make a glue out of styrofoam (polystyrene). Google it to find out more. The algorithm is as follows:
1. Prepare requisites:
- Make sure the room is well ventilated. Toxic and harmful gas will exhaust during the process.
- Get some gasoline (petrol) - a bit, half a cup.
- Get some polystyrene
- Get a small glass bowl
- Get wooden stick or plastic spoon
2. Mix gasoline and styrofoam in the glass boil. The styrofoam should dissolve as a result of interaction with gasoline. Use wooden stick to mix the styrofoam in the bowl.
This glue can be used for sticking wood to wood, glass to metal, glass to glass, plastic to plastic.
Pillows. We can fill pillows with Styrofoam.


Filler for the toilet. See infra.
Putty knife. Plastic sheets are flexible enough to be used as a putty knife. They can be joined with a lid from metal can, to make the putty harder.
Protection. Small plastic sheets can be sticked together via tape, duck tape or even needle and thread. Than we can use it to enforce anything- clothes, electronics cover etc.


Bottle handlers. Apply multiple lawyers of tape around the bottle to make it stronger.

Enforcement. Both regular tape and duck tape can be used. Last one is even better and stronger.Both new (in case of surplus) and used tape can be used and reused. Used tape is still sticky and can be applied thus. Even if it is cut in small pieces or it has a glue gaps in within, we still can make a strong and reliable surface out of it. Just apply numerous lawyers one above each other. One twig is not reliable however numerous twigs build up strong broom. One thread is weak, however numerous threads build strong rope.

When multiple lawyers of tape are applied, it acts as a strong and at the same time flexible material. Flexibility results in amortization and protection from accidentally falling down or hitting. 

Strength of multiple lawyers is a known principle in manufacturing process. It is used when making plywood and fiberglass. Plywood is nothing but multiple thin lawyers of wood. Fiberglass is also made of thin fiber pieces.

It is preferred if the item to be enforced allows tape to make a full circle. E. g. a bottle or a box. Bad example is a big wall of the room - we can stick used tape there, it will be flat without a full circle, so it will not be reliable and can fall out this. 

It is better to apply tape immediately after we take it out from the previous surface. Otherwise later it becomes crumpled and difficult to unfold.

E. g. the following items could be protected:

- Glass. E. g. glass bottles etc.

- Plastic. E. g. plastic bottles, boxes etc.

- Backpack, especially it's bottom.


Painting. Used tooth brush that is not good for brushing teeth anymore can be used at home yet. We can apply  some liquids with a toothbrush such as rust converter, paint etc.

How to reuse paper garbage

See parent post here.

Under the paper category I put everything made of paper: packages, used paper after writing and painting, envelopes (see also infra).

Any paper

Burn against insects. It smolders and smokes. Mosquitos and flies run away from smoke. 

Cellulose for planting mushrooms.

Composite. Most paper is compostable.

Compost. Most types of paper are compostable (except for colored paper and glossy paper).

Enforce existing envelopes, folders and boxes. Together with glue or tape.

Envelopes. With glue or tape, we can stick envelopes out of the paper or cardboard. We can do paper folders also.

Fuel for fire. Especially to start fire - paper burns perfectly.

Napkins and Handkerchiefs. If crumpled.

Sell it. Recycling centers pay for used paper.

Toilet paper. Any paper can be used as a toilet paper if soaked in water. 


Bed base. If we sleep on the floor, cardboard can make it warmer (though not softer).

Bottom of the backpack. I can cut the cardboard and put it inside the backpack, to its bottom. So all the stuff in the backpack is now protected against falling and dropping. Especially if I have some valuable stuff in the backpack such as the laptop etc.

Car seat cover. Cardboard is usually big enough to cover the major part of the car seat. 

Compost. Along with green scrap and other stuff, cardboard adds value if mixed with other materials for compost. 

Enforce paper envelopes, cardboard envelopes (folders).

Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Heat insulation. Cardboard is officially recognized as a good heat insulation material thanks to its structure. It contains empty spaces of air in between paper lawyers. So I can stick cardboard sheets to the wall to make my room warmer. I place it on the floor if I sleep on the floor to make my "bed" warmer. In extreme cases, I can cover myself with cardboard while sleeping, or sleep in the big cardboard box (like the one for the fridge). Homeless people do it that way to stay warm at the street.

Make a box or a dresser.

Mouse pad

Packaging material. Cardboard also can be used as a packaging material.

Protection for anything. Basically cardboard is perfect material for protecting literally anything. I can cover my laptop with cardboard or any other type of appliances. So I am not afraid that my staff would be damaged as a result of falling down to the floor.

Putty board.

Tablecloth. Especially when camping. Tablecloth or one time dish place. Useful for fatty and oily food, to protect the main table surface.

Clean paper 

Clean paper means paper where at least one side is clean.

Dirty paper. Clean paper firstly can be used as a dirty paper if there is lack of dirty paper.

Envelopes. If there is lack of envelopes, we can make an envelope out of the clean paper. With a tape or glue.

Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Print and paint. So we can use it again to print something, make a label for the section of the dresser, make a note, paint etc.

Dirty paper

Dirty paper includes any paper where something is printed on the both sides. So I cannot use it to print something again, make a note, paint so etc.

Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Packaging filler. It is also the option for use of paper if it is crumped.

Toilet paper. The most obvious use of the paper is toilet paper. Nope, we don't use it dry. To make a regular paper soft, we just make it wet. Add water and it becomes as soft as baby wipes. Even cardboard can become very soft if we put it in the water for half a day.

Egg carton

Coins box. We can sort out and organize coins in the egg box.


As a paper. First of all, envelopes are made of paper. Despite that I put them in the separate category (thanks to their form), they can be used as a regular paper supra.

Envelopes. Another obvious use of the envelope is the envelope per se. We can place a new postal stamp and send the mail without buying new envelope.

Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Folders for sorting. Multiple envelopes can be used as folders to sort our stuff out. Apply the mathematical statistics law here. Every envelope has flexibility. If the envelope contains a lot of stuff then its size becomes bigger  If the envelope is empty then it is very small and thin. So if we have a box consisting of 10 envelopes, each envelope could be different in its size. However according to mathematical statistics law, the sum of sizes of envelopes (which is the size of the box) will remain relatively constant. That is very convenient for organizing and storage of our stuff. See my set of labels and envelopes here.

Trash bag. If the envelope is big enough, it can be used as a garbage bag also.

Store labels

Unlike other types of paper, store labels are sticky, so we don't need to apply glue to them again.

Enforce other stuff. Stick them to folders, hand trolley, anything.

Make folders and envelopes. Just stick them to the bigger sheets of paper.

Used napkins and handkerchiefs

Toilet paper.

Handkerchiefs. After napkins are dried, we can reuse them again. 

How to reuse organic garbage

See parent post here.

Organic waste includes food leftovers and our toilet sewage.

0 Any Organic Waste

Dig into the ground. There is nothing bad to dig the organic waste into the ground. It was part of nature, it is part of nature, it will come back to nature. Then nature will take care of that. Nature better knows what to do with our organic waste. Nature better knows what to create out of our organic waste. Advantage of digging organic waste into the ground is cost savings for garbage trucks and sewer utility bills. In turn, garbage truck will not pollute nature with its gas exhaust.

Compost and Fertilizer. For those who have a yard, organic waste is a perfect fertilizer. Even without a yard, edible mushrooms can be grown in the apartment, fertilized with organic waste. Compost can be sold also.

Ferment them. Some organic garbage not edible otherwise could be used via fermentation. Fruit and veggies peels, greens etc. We can turn them into spicy food, alcohol, vinegar or other products via fermentation.

Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Fodder. Food for farm animals. Grass, watermelon and banana peels can be cut into small pieces. So chicken can eat it. So do pigs.

Spices. Many types of the grass are bitter. Others are spicy. It can be dried also to preserve for future use.
Food for insects. We can grow black soldiers flies or other insects. They eat organic waste. Than, insects themselves can become a food for human and animals (chicken, fish e. g.).

Avocado seed

Fill potholes on the road.
Boot sole repair. Cut and stick it to the sole instead of worn heel.

Banana peels

Filler for the toilet. See infra.
Cleaning foam. We can clean some dirt by rubbing it with a banana peels. We can clean most flat surfaces with them: toilet, bath, kitchen sink etc. We can clean dishes also.
Cook it. There are some results on the internet about how to cook banana peels just don't forget to remove store label (sticker).

Glue. At least for paper.

Paper. With manufacturing facility, paper can be made out of banana peels.

Toilet paper. Use internal side of the peel, not the external one. Unlike tree leaves, banana peels are not dried fast and can be saved for a longer time. Their internal side presents natural organic foam that absorbs all the leftovers from the skin better than the regular toilet paper. At the same time, banana is soft like baby wipes because it is naturally wet, again unlike the regular toilet paper. Though to prevent mold and rot, it is better to store them in the fridge.

Coffee grounds

Abrasive cleaner. Credits to this video.
Odor remover.
Against mosquitoes. Rumors are, mosquitoes do not like coffee smell.
Add to baking. Coffee adds some taste to cookies. 

Leafs from trees

Toilet paper. Especially if soaked with water.
Fuel for fire. If dried.


To be researched...

Orange peels

Fuel. Orange peels are inflammable. Thus, they can serve as a fuel.
Tea. We can boil them and it will be a drink - orange tea.
Repellent against mosquito. There are multiple options:
- Boil them for 15 minutes. Then use this water as a spray against mosquito. Details
- Put peels in hot boiled water, close the jar and keep it for 2 days. Then use water as a repellent. Details.
Aroma. And odor remover. For shoes, dwelling, garbage bin etc. 
Body scrub. Or face toner, face wash, face mask.
Whiten teeth. 

Peels of fruits and vegetables

Soup. Put them in soup. Or try to bake (fry) in microwave. Just don't forget to remove store labels. Watermelon peel after microwaving for 10 minutes tastes like cooked squash.

Seeds (pits) of fruits and vegetables

Plant and grow.
Soup.     Put them in soup and boil. E. g. avocado pit boiled extract is considered as a good medication for some health problems. It is spicy and it gives extra taste to your soup.


Filler for the toilet. See infra.


Let them grow. So we will get a new plant or even tree at our home.


Filler for the toilet. See infra.

Tea leftovers

Odor remover.
Wash dishes. Like with coffee, tea helps to remove fat and oil from dishes. Soak tea in the sink with dirty dishes, after a while scrub it and clean.

Water - Urine

Beer. In Singapore, one company brewed beer out of urine.
Cleaning. Romans used urine to clean dirt stains from clothes.
Drink. We can ferment it - place it in the bottle and wait few days. And then drink tasty fermented drink.
Medicine. Some people drink urine as a part of therapy to cure diseases. It can also be boiled to 1/4 volume to increase its medical function.
Perfumery, toiletry. We can boil and process urine so it gets a good smell.

Water - Rain

Washing machine. Put clothes outside and let the rain wash them.
Water collection. Will the rain barrel. For future use.

Water - River

Washing machine. Put clothes in the laundry bag then bind laundry bag to the rope. Bind another side of the rope to the tree. Put laundry bag in the river. 
If there is no tree, we we can use heavy piece of metal or the rock instead. Just bind the rope to the rock or the metal so it is binded reliable. Put the rock or the metal to the bottom of the river. Need to know the exact place of the river bottom where we will take it from on the next day.
Water collection. With bottles, buckets etc, for future use.

How to reuse metal garbage

 See parent post here.


Boot sole repair. Stick it to the sole instead of worn heel.
Make a box.
Enforce other stuff. We can stick metal parts to shoes, to cardboard folders etc. We can melt metal into plastic to enforce say plastic box. Here is an example how to do that. We can weld a metal to another metal.
Sell to recycling center. We can make a bit of money by bringing metal to the recycling center. Just need to collect enough metal because otherwise our earnings would be less than a gas cost.


Heat insulation. Aluminum foil is well known heat insulation material. Aluminum is lightweight and flexible - thus we can sew it up to the interior side of the clothes. We can stick it on the wall. We can crumple the foil and put it in the puffer jacket, sleeping bag or blanket.


Table. Instead of buying new furniture, we can convert existing barrel into a chair or a table.

Garbage bin
Toilet. We can poop there. Then, cover poop with soil to prevent smelling. Then poop again.

Car, van, truck

Dwelling. Though the car might not run, its body can still be waterproof. Especially if it is a big car like a van or a truck. 
Shed. The logic is the same as for the dwelling supra.
Sell for scrap. Scrap yard pays money and sometimes picks up old cars.

Container (shipping container)

Usage is the same as for old cars supra.


Usage is the same as for wire. infra.


Plastic weld enforcement. After welding plastic, we can enforce it with metal wire. It serves as a fitting that makes the connection stronger. See how to weld plastic here.
Sewing. Very thin wire could be used for sewing as a sewing thread. 

How to reuse fabric garbage

 See parent post here.

0 Any fabric

Bags. Sew up fabric bags (for groceries).
Car seat cover. Fabric can be sewn together to make a cover for the car seat.
Door mat. To keep the house clean.
Enforce folders and envelopes.
Enforce pockets. We can sew up old piece of fabric to the pockets. This can be done from the interior side of the pants. Such sewing would make pockets stronger. This is useful when something valuable is stored in the pocket e. g. keys. So otherwise keys could cut the pocket and fall out, we don't want this to happen.
Enforce fabric bags and clothes.
Enforce furniture. We can sew fabric to the chair. Chairs and sofas surfaces are often worn out.
Enforce socks heels.
Filler for the toilet. See infra.
Folders. We can use fabric to enforce the flexible area of the folder.
Floor cloth. To clean up the floor.
Handkerchief. Fabric can be cut into small pieces for handkerchiefs. Unlike paper soft tissue, handkerchiefs can be washed and used multiple times.
Packaging material. Like any flexible substance.
Pillows. We can fill pillows with crumpled fabric.
Sew on to other clothes. To make them warmer and stronger.
Threads. Fabric is made of threads. Thus, thread can be extracted from the fabric, and then later used to sew something up 


Sew on to the backpack. In the area of seams. To make it stronger.


Bed base. If we sleep on the floor, carpet can make it warmer and softer.
Picnic and camping. E. g. instead of yoga mat.

Packing and amortization. Carpet serves as a great protection or cargo during transportation. E. g. furniture and appliances could be covered with carpets to protect them while in the truck trunk.


Donate or even sell. Via the Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or any other local advertising board.
Make lighter clothes. E.g. cut shorts out of pants. Or sleeveless shirt out of a shirt. Often we can adjust size when cutting. E. g. if pants are too big for us, we can cut them to shorts and shorts would look good.
Cut and convert:
Good thing is we can adjust size after cutting clothes.
Pants could be cut and converted to shorts.
T-shirt could be cut and converted into sleeveless T-shirt.
Warm up existing clothes. Old puffer jacket could be not so warm because its cotton wool is crumpled up as a result of wear and tear. Then, we can sew up old jacket inside of the existing puffer jacket, to warm it up.

How to reuse other types of garbage

 See parent post here.

Art objects. Creativity provides great space for producing art objects out of trash. To make trash looking nice, we can cover it with solid paint.

Enforce the tool box or car trunk bed. We can fold, cut, melt, blend the garbage and put it on the bottom of the trunk bed or tool box to enforce it. 
Repair. Instead of getting rid of old broken stuff, we can just repair it. YouTube provides plenty of tutorials about how to repair almost anything. The only limits are time and motivation.


Toothpaste. Ash is known as healthy, free and natural mean to clean teeth. 

Car battery

Welding machine. Guys on YouTube make a welding machine out of car battery.
Recycling center. In the US, Walmart pays $10 for used car batteries.

Chewing gum

Fill in holes on the road and on the wall. When dried, chewing gum becomes hard enough.


Boot sole repair. Stick it to the sole instead of worn heel.
Fill potholes on the road.

Used motor oil

Boots and shoes. For shoes made of leather, we can treat this leather with used motor oil. Though caution is to be made: official manufacturer discourage us from doing this, because used motor oil is toxic.
Fuel. Oil can be burn in fire to cook food etc.
Oil for the chain of the chainsaw. Chainsaw uses two different oil types in it's two separate tanks. First tank is for gas mixed with good oil (not used motor oil). Second tank is for chain oil, which does not require high quality of the liquid. So we can add used motor oil for the chain.
Paint the wooden fence. To prevent wood from being rotten as a result of water.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Usage types (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)

Hereby, there is an information about from which types of trash can we make certain products. See also parent post about reduce, reuse and recycle here.

Usage types

Cover for car seats

Especially expensive cars definitely need it. Not only natural wear and tear can cause damage to the car seat. It is easy to drop a drink on a seat. The child can be sick, nausea would my deceit dirty and damaged. I personally place a heavy cargo with my tools on the rear seat when it is free of passengers. The cargo can scratch the skin of the seat. It is especially painful if their seat is made of natural expensive skin. Following materials can be used to cover the car seat and protect it from damage:
Plastic film. Can be used for cover of cover seats if it is big enough.
Fabric. Multiple pieces can be sewn together to make the whole part of the fabric bigger.
Cardboard. Usually it is big enough to cover the major part of the car seat.

Dish washing

Coffee leftovers.
Tea leftovers.


Plastic bags. As a rubber gloves for one time use.


As a handkerchief (one time use or multiple times), the following can be used:
Plastic film.
Plastic bags.
Dirty clothes.

Packaging filler

Any compressible trash can serve as a packaging filler. Just need to make sure it is dry and clean.

Putty knife

Plastic sheets.

Putty board


Wood sheet.

Sell to recycle center

The following types of garbage could be sold for money to recycle center. Getting money is the best way to use unused trash. Though amount of money is usually not so big, I could be bigger if weight of trash accumulated is big enough.

Metals. Iron is the cheay one. Aluminum and copper are much more expensive.

Cables. Because they contain valuable metal (copper).

Glass. Cheaper than metal. However glass weight is big because glass is very popular type of trash.

Plastic bottles.


Portable toilet for poop for a human can be created based on the home toilet for cats. That could be useful inside of any room/building without access to the restroom. E. g. warehouse or construction facility, house with broken sewage etc. In the forest, we can just poop on the ground and dig it into the ground. However inside of a building or facility we don't always have such an option. 

Portable toilet consists of 3 main components:

  1. Flat rectangular plastic box. It should be plastic to be water proof (because poop can contain liquid that can flow out and cause ecological and bio-chemical disaster in the room). We need a box because it has walls, and walls can protect surrounding areas of the room in case of accidental process when landing operation is not straight.
  2. Flat plastic (or made of any other water-proof and at the same time flexible material) one-time use surface. That surface is to be replaced every time. That could be plastic film, plastic bag etc. That surface lays down at the bottom of the plastic box supra. To use sheet surface as a toilet, unfold it and place to the bottom of the box. If possible, use 2 or even 3 lawyers of the sheet to provide additional protection for the floor against the poop.  Any water resistant flat surface (plane, sheet) can serve as a portable toilet for poop but not for pee. Don't use the sheet made of hard (not flexible) material like cardboard. Because it will not be easy to fold after we did our business. 
  3. Filler that is laying down on the flat surface. Filler can be any type of trash - paper, small plastic pieces, organic waste etc. Filler serves for additional absorption of the poop to prevent its spread. Filler is to be changed every time after every poop. For humans at least, not for cats lol.

Than poop in the position of an eagle. Than carefully fold the sheet and place it in the plastic bag together with the toilet filler. If possible use 2 or 3 plastic bags to provide additional protection against leaking. Than trash plastic bag in the nearest garbage container.

That type of the toilet is for poop but not for pee. For pee, males could use plastic bottles instead. For females, other means should be developed.

Sheets made of the following materials can be used as a portable one time toilet surface:

Cardboard. Though it is made of paper, it could be considered as a water resistant material just because it is fat enough.


Plastic. Could even serve multiple times if washed.

Plastic bags. They are of the same shape as plastic film.

Toilet paper

The more paper is soaked with water, the healthier and convenient it is for our skin. That's why mom's use baby wipes for babies instead of a regular toilet paper. Surprisingly, some kinds of trash are already naturally soaked and wet like banana peels. Following types of garbage can be used as a toilet paper:

Banana peels. Not needed to be soaked, they are already naturally wet (the internal side only).

Paper. No need to crumple it up. Instead, soak it with water. Don't add anything else to water to avoid possible skin allergy.

Washing machine

Rain. See supra.

River. See supra.