Thursday, December 14, 2017

Looking for treasures

We don't need to look for treasure. We need to learn how to see the treasure.
After years, often we realize that treasures were all around us in the past. Bu we did not see them. Or we didn't want to see them.

Friday, December 1, 2017

What matters?

It is absolutely not important how big or small the result you want to achieve, or the problem you want to solve. Why? Just to remind: according to statistics, 100% of people die. No result matters. No size matters. Result is one for everyone: death. Only process matters.
Thus, our task is just to find way in which process will bring pleasure. I don't know the 100% formula for resolving problems with pleasure. But certain components could be:
  • Like-minded people. It is easier to fight against enemy, if another people also suffered from the same enemy. I. e. you are not alone.
  • what else?